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第二屆兩岸青年文創設計師聯展暨探索營於 7月2日將在上海市聯明路389號麥可將文創園區舉行。

2017 上海 Be A Giver文創團講座

桔米文創攜手創TALK與Be A Giver,特別邀請五位台灣青年文創設計師,帶著自己寶貴的設計工作經驗與設計作品來到上海,以專業設計師的獨特眼光,和大家分享自己對於生活的特別洞察與解決方案。

Starting in 2010, the Ministry of Culture organized and launched the Taiwan International Cultural and Creative Industry Expo (TICCIE). Within four years, the scale of the TICCIE has expanded along with the awareness of the Taiwanese cultural creative brands that have been exhibited and established. The Ministry of Culture focuses on the main objectives of the TICCIE, provides cultural creative merchandise, services trade platforms and bridges the gaps between production, sales and distribution. 

2015 台灣設計師周

Founded in 2007, Taiwan Designers’Web was established by a group of interdisciplinary, cross-company professionals.

Through organizing Taiwan Designers’ Week and other design related events,

hoping to create a platform for exchanging ideas and sharing local insights with the world.

2014 台灣設計師周

Founded in 2007, Taiwan Designers’Web was established by a group of interdisciplinary, cross-company professionals.

Through organizing Taiwan Designers’ Week and other design related events,

hoping to create a platform for exchanging ideas and sharing local insights with the world.

2014 年,來自澳洲的獨立策展人 Annie 提案要在台北 101 策劃當年的聖誕節展覽。她靈機一動,決定在燦爛奪目的 12 公尺聖誕樹下展示 101 個台灣設計精品;這是第一次,台北 101 的展覽和台灣設計擦出火花。展覽名稱是「來自星星的禮物」,每一個禮物盒裡都裝著像聖誕星光般閃爍的台灣設計故事,為打開禮物的每個人帶來溫暖與驚喜。

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